
In Science we provide practical and exciting opportunities for children to investigate the world in which they live. We want to spark their curiosity so that they are keen to ask questions, in order to better understand scientific concepts. Our aim is to make Science fun whilst developing confidence and interest in scientific knowledge, enquiry types and scientific skills.

Our key principles for teaching Science are:

  1. Children have a positive attitude towards science.
  2. Children are encouraged and confidently use scientific language in their learning.
  3. Children are practically trying out their own ideas.
  4. Children have a range of resources to support learning including ICT.

Key Stage One

Please click on link to see learning objectives for this key stage KS12014ScienceCurriculumOverview

Year 1

 Year 1 have been making predictions and observing what happens to find the answers to questions.

“Chocolate starts hard. When it is heated, the chocolate melts and goes gooey.”

“This is called dissolving.”

“We put the melted chocolate outside, in the fridge and in the freezer to cool. We predicted that the chocolate in the freezer would go hard the quickest.” 

“We were right! The freezer is super cold!” 


Year 2

 pizap.com14331558928551   The children in year 2 really enjoyed finding   out about light and using scientific vocabulary!             

“Opaque means that light can’t get through it, like rocks and lead.”“Transparent means see-through”

“Tissue paper is translucent because it lets some light through.”

Key Stage Two

Please click on link to see learning objectives for this key stage KS22014ScienceCurriculumOverview

Year 3

 pizap.com14331692301521  ​Year 3 have enjoyed investigating different questions in order to better understand scientific concepts.

“I wonder where my shadow will be later on in the day?”

“I wonder how fast my parachute will drop?”

​”Look how quickly the butter has melted!”

Year 4

In year 4 the children have used their understanding of scientific concepts to explain what is happening.
“It was easier to pull the wood on the carpet than the rubber.”“I liked using weights to investigate friction. It was fun to use Newton meters.”

​”I never really knew that our teeth were so important. Now I know if you eat the right food and brush properly your teeth will grow healthy and strong”


Year 5

Year 5 have been using their scientific knowledge

and learnt vocabulary to write texts to explain

scientific concepts.

They have also been planning investigations and

collecting evidence to support or refute their ideas.



Year 6

pizap.com14332386826951 Year 6 have been using their understanding of scientific concepts and knowledge of different texts types to write information texts.

To read, click on the links below!

Earth, Sun and Moon


During science lessons, children continuously get the opportunity to develop their skills in ‘Working Scientifically’. Click on links to see the targets for which run along-side the knowledge learning objectives for each year group.

Year 1 & 2 Targets

Year 3 & 4 Targets

Year 5 & 6 Targets

The new National Curriculum for Science can be found here National Curriculum – Science