At Wilcombe we endeavour to run a variety of extra-curricular clubs that are refreshed on a half-termly basis. The majority of these are run by teachers and classroom assistants with occasional offerings from external groups.
Examples of clubs we have run in the past include; Football, Gymnastics, Fencing, Reading, Dance, Outdoor Adventures, Ukuleles, Pop up cafe and many more!
We encourage children, once they have made a commitment to a club to stick to it. This is an important skill for life and therefore we monitor attendance and ask that children attend on a weekly basis. For safeguarding reasons we ask parents to inform the school when their child is in school but unable to attend an after school club.
In the event of staff sickness another member of staff will endeavour to cover it. If a staff member is not available children will be given the choice of another club. As a last resort parents will be contacted in the morning to advise them that the club will not be running.
All clubs have limited places, please complete the permission slip that is sent home half-termly, detailing clubs your child would like to attend. We would also be grateful if you could indicate whether your child is allowed to walk home on their own if they are in KS2. Children in KS1 should be collected by an adult from the front playground.
Rounders and Ball Skills –
‘I like coming to play rounders after school, because you can run around outside and I like it’ – George, Year 4
‘We’re playing Star Wars Dodgeball. You have to get people out, but the jedi can save them.’ – Lottie, Year 4
Cooking –
‘We’re cutting up vegetables to put into wraps. They’re very healthy!’ – Jessica, Year 1
‘We’ve made lots of really yummy things. We’ve made biscuit and cakes.’ – Faye, Year 2
Upcycling Club –
‘I made a football game with Leo. We played it and it was great fun.’ – Riley, Year 2
‘I made a pen pot with Phoebe, upcycling club has been good.’ – Ashleigh, Year 2
‘I have enjoyed upcycling club, I have made a bug house and a candle holder for my mum.’ – Faye, Year 2
For our latest available clubs availability please click here