Maths at Wilcombe
At Wilcombe, we aim to provide pupils with a maths curriculum to enable them to be numerate, confident, inquisitive, enquiring and resilient.
Our learning environments reflect this with stimulating and purposeful images alongside providing resources to support pupils to develop their mathematical skills to the full.
Whilst we follow the Maths National Curriculum, our teaching and learning approach steers towards a mastery curriculum with a focus on recognising relationships and making links between key skills and concepts – encouraging depth of learning as opposed to acceleration. Teachers adapt resources from the White Rose Maths Hub to reinforce this.
Maths National Curriculum KS1 & 2
Teachers work to support and guide pupils through the key stages of their mathematical development using a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods, whilst adapting to support all learners. There is a large emphasis on talking mathematically, developing their vocabulary and explaining their methods in full sentences. Whole class discussions, paired talk and open questions allow the pupils to reflect on their own thinking whilst challenging others.
We teach maths with a Growth Mindset, encouraging and supporting resilience and perseverance to develop deeper levels of understanding.
The school also subscribes to an online learning tool called Mathletics for Years 4, 5 and 6. The pupils have their own individual log in and this encourages them to continue to develop their mathematical skills outside of the classroom and share their mathematical learning with parents.