Barle (Year 1) 2022/23
How did we get to the final half term so soon? This year has flown by.
This final half term is packed with lots of fun activities! Please check the weekly newsletter for updates and specific dates/times of events. Below are a few details, but there are many more – school fete, cake sales, Year 6 production…
The annual Sports Day event will take place on Friday 9th June at 1.15pm on the school field. The children will participate in a succession of events, moving around the field in their classes.
The following week (commencing 12th June) will be the phonics screening week for our Year 1 children.
We have planned a fun trip for the following week – details to follow!!!!
In class we will complete our topic – Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. We will be making a 3D model of our Solar System. We will complete our Year 1 maths programme – position and direction, money and place value to 100.
During the first half of the Spring Term, we completed our Full Steam Ahead Topic. The children had a great time learning all about steam engines, George Stephenson and The Industrial Revolution.
The second half of the Spring Term and for the Summer Term, we will move on to our next Topic – Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. The focus will be exploration, pioneers and travel.
The children will learn about their amazing adventures across The Atlantic and to the moon!
We will be building 3D solar systems, learning about the world’s oceans and engaging in some fun art lessons based around Claude Monet.
We are set to have some fantastic lessons! I am sure you will be hearing all about them soon.
Christmas has arrived at Wilcombe Primary School!
This year our children have performed ‘The Bethlehem Bake-Off’, a fantastic fusion of the classic nativity and The Great British Bake-Off. The children have had lots of fun learning their lines and singing the songs. They worked really hard and the production was amazing!
Every child found a role to suit their needs, acting, singing, co-directing, making props and handing out programmes. It was an all inclusive event and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Key Stage 1 Zoo trip and Science!
In the Autumn term, KS1 went on a school trip to Exmoor Zoo. We used it as a hook for learning for our new topic ‘Animals including Humans’. We managed to see lots of animals; including some feeding time sessions. The children had a fabulous day out!
As part of our Animals including Humans topic, we took part in a Science morning looking at some of the animals that we saw at the zoo. There were several mini lessons that gave us an understanding of the different types of animals and how they are classified based on their different features.
We also discussed their diets and how animals eat different foods in order to be able to survive. Finally, we looked at the life cycle of certain animals and how they develop from the start of their life to the finish.
Welcome to Barle 2022/23
PE at Tiverton High School
So far this year, we have had two opportunities to attend a PE/Sports event at the Tiverton High School. We anticipate that we will attend more in the future too. Some of Barle Class have experienced some multi skills activities that have been led by THS students. The children really enjoyed taking part in the events and we hope that this continues.
Designing and Creating Castles
In our Design and Technology lessons this week, we have been creating castles. We have worked in small groups or with partners to build up the castle from the base. Before we started building, we looked at the different castle types and the shapes that we could see on them. After that, we learned how to build the different parts of the castle; the towers and turrets, walls and the hinge joint for the drawbridge. Over the course of the week, we created each section of the castle before working with the Year 2 class to create the whole castle using our learning from the first part of the week.
Welcome to Barle Class 2021/2022
It has been a very busy but productive start to the year!
Our topic for the first half of the academic year was ‘Castles’, learning about a variety of castle types, including Tiverton Castle.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this topic, especially the History, Geography and most recently the Design Technology; where we experienced Medieval biscuits and created our own castles.
KS1 Nativity!
As a Key Stage, we have worked really hard to ensure that the children get to experience creating a Nativity. We created the script as a group and then performed it together. We hope that you enjoy it!
? Merry Christmas from Key Stage 1 !?
Our KS1 Harvest Celebration Video ! Please enjoy…?
Home learning
Hello Barle Class parent and children, this will be where you can find work for you to do while we are away from school.
Google Classroom
Google classroom for Year 1 is up and running. I will be posting on it with task and ideas to keep your children learning through this difficult time. I have posted on there today with using the some of the sheets provided to you in your packs to work through. See below:
Good morning Barle class. I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
I know this is a strange feeling not attending school but we will do our best to make this as normal as we can.
Today, could we work on the sheets that I provided you.
For English could you please work on reading your books and practicing the Common Exception words.
For Math continue to work on your counting to 100. Can you count up and back in 2’s and 5’s?
Could you write all the numbers you used into your books?
For topic choose a challenge of the Home Knowledge Organiser which you can find on the school website.
Any questions please either post on here on the website.
Thank you,
Mr Ansell.
RWI Phonics Lesson
RWI Phonics lessons at home from Monday 23rd March
We’re scheduling free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home; three short Speed Sound lessons with one of our trainers every day for the next two weeks. Films will only be available at the times below:
Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm
Note: films are streamed live and won’t be available at
other times.
Home learning week 1
This week (23.3.20) you have worksheets provided in your home school packs. This contained Maths and English work for your children to attempt. I will post the Knowledge Organiser on here so that your children can choose one or two things per week to complete around the topic – Space. Thank you again for your patience and understanding during these uncertain days and sorry that I wasn’t there at the end of the week as well. Hope to see you all soon. Mr Ansell
In Year 1, all children are required to take a Phonics Screening Test in June. This is to assess each child’s phonological awareness and segmenting and blending skills. This will then help them to become fluent and competent readers. At Wilcombe, we use Read Write Inc. Please see the photos below of the all of the sounds and mnemonics that the programme covers. Ask your child to tell you the sound, the rhyme and show you the action. Below are also some useful websites for how you could support your child.
English Spring Term
This term, we have read and written our own journey stories, linked to our Medieval Topic. We read The Paperbag Princess and wrote our own stories set in a castle, involving a dragon. There were lots of wonderful ideas and interesting use of story language. We have also looked at instructions, making marmalade sandwiches and writing our own instructions using imperative verbs. We have also written some descriptive Winter poems using our senses. The children are really proud of their poems and wanted them to be displayed in the classroom. Feel free to come and have a look!
Maths Spring Term
We are beginning to use our reasoning and problem solving skills as we solve more abstract problems. We have developed our knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction and started to learn about money, length and measurement. We have also explored 2D and 3D shapes, describing their properties and going on shape hunts around school. We continue to use practical equipment to help build our fluency. Our favourites are Numicon, glass gems and teddy bear counters!
Outdoor Learning
Every Tuesday afternoon, the Year 1 children receive their curriculum learning through outdoor education with Mrs Quick. They go on bug and flower hunts, observe the local environment, learn about seasons and weather all whilst using important skills taught in Maths, Science and Art. The children love their exploratory afternoons and have decided to keep a whole class journal of their learning.
Medieval Madness!
The children began the year learning about the Medieval period. We studied what life was like a long time ago and how it is different to our life today. We learnt all about castles and even visited Tiverton Castle. We designed and made our own castles with the help of Year 2. We learnt about King William I (William the conqueror) and his wife Matilda, writing fact files and painting portraits. We received a shock when King William visited us, and we were able to interview him. His French accent was interesting and he really was as gruesome as our History lessons had taught us! We decorated our own crowns and became royal for the day, learning how to dance with a partner. We then exhibited our work to our parents and told the whole school what we had learnt in an assembly.
PE Autumn Term 2018
We have been practicing our fundamental movement skills this term, through the use of the Real PE programme. We are learning to become more independent by getting ourselves changed for PE, we are now really good at this! The children are enjoying fun, skills based activities.
We have been exploring numbers whilst looking at place value. We have used practical Maths to help our understanding. We then moved on to learning about addition and subtraction within 10. The children have enjoyed the hands on approach to Year 1 Maths.
For this half term, the children have been learning the story of the Three Little Pigs. It all began with a hook of discovering the blown over houses and muddy paw prints on the playground.
We then made puppets to help us retell the story and built our own houses out of straw and sticks.
We are going to innovate the story with our own characters such as the Three Slippery Snakes. we will then write a recount of what happened from the Big Bad Wolf’s point of view.
I am in charge of how smart I am because I can GROW my BRAIN like a muscle learning hard things.
And even if I fail or make a mistake, it is a GREAT thing, because I can LEARN from them and
Welcome to Barle
A very big welcome to class Barle 2020 – 2021. I am Mrs Miller, your Year 1 class teacher, I will be working with Mrs Bennett and Mrs Quick in the afternoons. Our Year 2 team is Mr Pomeroy, class teacher, Mrs Scott Tuesdays to Fridays, Mrs Hann on Mondays and Mrs Gibbings in the mornings. We are all extremely excited to welcome you to KS1 and get stuck into a very busy year.
Although this year has been different and some of you have not been to school for a few months you have lots to look forward to and will be supported appropriately throughout the whole year.
Your first few weeks at school have been designed to help you settle in year 1 and get to know your surroundings and the adults supporting your learning. You will have lots of time to ask questions and find your way around.
I will post on this site regularly, updating parents on topic themes, posting photos and changes (please be aware that during this time there may be changes to PE days, etc).
I am aware that parents have been emailed a comprehensive letter explaining key points. Children will be dropped at the main gate at 9am and collected at 3pm. This will be a busy time for all involved, we will endeavour to make this as smooth as possible!
See you all on Monday 7th September.