WELCOME TO DART YEAR 2 2023 – 2024

Welcome back!

Mrs Bennett and myself hope you have all had a fantastic summer holiday. I am looking forward to hearing all your news.

Year 2 is going to be another great year. We have lots of fun activities planned, including trips, our annual KS1 Nativity, Christmas fun to name just a few.

We will continue to build on and learn more new maths, writing skills, reading skills. Our very first history topic is The Great Fire of London – my favourite topic. Geography will focus on our local area initially before we go further afield. PE will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Outdoor Ed with Mrs Quick will be on Tuesday afternoons.

Our display boards are all ready for you to fill up with your amazing work!

Christmas has arrived at Wilcombe Primary School!

This year our children have performed ‘The Bethlehem Bake-Off’, a fantastic fusion of the classic nativity and The Great British Bake-Off. The children have had lots of fun learning their lines and singing the songs. They worked really hard and the production was amazing!

Every child found a role to suit their needs, acting, singing, co-directing, making props and handing out programmes. It was an all inclusive event and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Key Stage 1 Zoo trip and Science!

In the Autumn term, KS1 went on a school trip to Exmoor Zoo. We used it as a hook for learning for our new topic ‘Animals including Humans’. We managed to see lots of animals; including some feeding time sessions. The children had a fabulous day out!

As part of our Animals including Humans topic, we took part in a Science morning looking at some of the animals that we saw at the zoo. There were several mini lessons that gave us an understanding of the different types of animals and how they are classified based on their different features.

We also discussed their diets and how animals eat different foods in order to be able to survive. Finally, we looked at the life cycle of certain animals and how they develop from the start of their life to the finish.

Dart (Year 2) 2021/22

Welcome to DART!

We have had a very busy and exciting year already.

Our topic for the first half of the academic year was ‘London’s Burning’ all about The Great Fire of London.

Our children have thoroughly enjoyed this topic. They have engaged and learnt lots – history, geography, DT and art.

Our fantastic topic display!
Our superb Great Fire of London paintings

We have also had lots of fun learning new skills PE – rugby with Tom has been a huge success, even the cold, wet weather!

English has focussed on several different strands – story writing, letter writing, fact files, poetry. Our stories have been linked to our topic – Toby and The Great Fire of London for example.

KS1 Nativity!

As a Key Stage, we have worked really hard to ensure that the children get to experience creating a Nativity. We created the script as a group and then performed it together. We hope that you enjoy it!

? Merry Christmas from Key Stage 1 !?

Our KS1 Harvest Celebration Video ! Please enjoy…?



Home Learning 14.4.2020

Good morning and Happy Easter to you all!

I have uploaded next week’s assignments to google classroom. There you will find maths, writing, reading, spellings and science activities to keep you busy for some of the time next week.

If you have not yet signed on to google classroom and are experiencing problems accessing it please contact the school office 01884 253025.

I look forward to seeing what you have been up to!

Take care Mrs Miller and Mrs Aitchison

29th March 2020

Good afternoon Dart Class
It is another beautiful sunny day but a little windy!
The next two weeks are your Easter Holidays so I will not be posting work related tasks for you to complete. Instead I have found some links to websites or apps you may wish to look at. These are fun and I would love for you to enjoy them and post some pictures!

The first app I have discovered this week is called Stop Motion Studio. This free app can be installed onto iPads, laptops or mobile phones but you must ask your parent for permission first! It is really good fun and allows you to make short animations – I will share the one I have made with my daughters.

On the Twinkl website there are lots of lovely Easter Craft ideas. Parents click on this and follow for your free access
Have a go at making an Easter Card for someone you care about, maybe a nan or granddad or someone who you have not seen. It would brighten their day!

Keep a diary. Write down what you do each day, how you feel, what you miss.
Dear diary
Today I woke up at…. Then I…..After that I….Later on I……Finally I….
It would be a good way to record the strange events we are experiencing and probably never will again. This could be something you look back on in years to come.

Read, read and read! Lizzie sent me a video of her reading a bedtime story. What a lovely idea! Maybe we could all share a story? Look out for me reading one!

Exercise – Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga and how about GoNoodle?

I will log on each day and comment on anything you choose to share.
Remember these are now your Easter holidays so please enjoy as much as possible!
Take care, stay safe Mrs Miller and Mrs Aitchison.

Links to live RWI speed sounds lessons.

https://www.facebook.com/miskin.education /

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm Pink/Orange
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm – Blue/Yellow/Grey groups

Please note these are live lessons and only available at the above times Monday to Friday.

If you have completed RWI and work with me (Mrs Miller) for reading lessons it would be beneficial to recap the set 3 sounds – you can never practise too much!

Week commencing 23rd March 2020

All of the tasks for this week have been printed and sent home in your home learning files! Have fun!

19th March 2020

Hello! Bonjour! Ca va? Welcome to your home learning page. Here you will find weekly home learning tasks – maths x 5, writing x 5 and 5 other cross curricular tasks. I will also upload weekly spelling lists. Please read as much as you can and don’t forget to ask a grownup to record when you read in your green reading record book.

Your google classroom login details have been emailed. This online learning platform will also have all the weekly tasks listed. It also allows you to upload work for me to look at.

Take care of yourselves!

Mrs Miller and Mrs Aitchison

Welcome to Dart – Year 2 2019 – 2020

On this page you find regular updates which could include PE sports events, photos of activities carried out at school, trips, class news and other school events such as our KS1 Nativity, PTFA fundraisers and important dates to note. Year 2 is always a busy but exciting year and I am looking forward to supporting each child in my class achieve to their full potential.

A brief overview of the Autumn Term 1 is as follows:

Maths – Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

Talk for Writing – Toby and The Great Fire of London (story writing)

Science – Everyday Materials and their Uses, Animals including Humans

RE – Christianity 

PE – Real PE (sports skills) 

Read Write Inc and Literacy

PHSE – friendships

Topic/Cross curricular – The Great Fire of London (history/geography/art/D&T)

Outdoor Education is a new addition to our provision this year. Mrs Katie Quick will lead this with the assistance of  the class LSA. The children in year 2 will access this every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothes – raincoat, warm clothes, spare socks and suitable footwear preferably wellington boots.

Our nativity this year is called ‘Baubles’. We will be practising it from the beginning of the second half term leading up to Christmas – be prepared for lots of recitals at home! We will provide your child with their outfits and a script with their lines to learn. The dates for the performance will be confirmed in your weekly newsletter. Please note this year we will have two separate nativities – Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. The performances will be on separate days.


It’s the Spring Term already! We have lots of exciting things happening this term. The children have already enjoyed learning about addition and subtraction and will now move on to multiplication and division. 

You can support your child’s learning at home but helping them learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The following link is to a website and an online free game called Hit the Button. This is a great game for children to play and will help improve their recall of times tables, number bonds, division and other number facts. 


We will complete our topic The Great Fire of London. This half term the children will enjoy drawing, painting and making a 3D map. Our literacy book this half term is Vlad and The Great Fire. This will support your child to recall the facts about the event, understand how it affected the landscape and the people and support their story writing skills. The following link is a short video called Magic Grandad – we have used this video clip in class to help us understand about the event.


We will continue to learn the year 2 spelling rules and the year 2 common exception words. The link below will take you to a website where all of the year 2 common exception are listed. This game will help your child learn these words. Please note each week your child will bring home a spelling list consisting of 10 words. Please encourage your child to learn these at home. They will have time in school to practice them before we have our weekly spelling test on Monday mornings.
