Welcome to Plym!
Spring Term 2022/23
Spring Term – English
In English this term, Plym Class have been inspired by the comic ‘Billy the Brave’ by Christian Canning to write their own comic sketches, narratives, persuasive letters and diary entries. Plym class have been developing their planning, collaboration and perseverance skills through various activities and challenges linked to the class book.
Art – Spring Term
In Art, Plym Class have explored the works of Rembrandt. They have enjoyed colour mixing a variety of media to create skin tones. The children have also enjoyed drawing portraits in the style of Rembrandt and creating their own self-portraits.
World Book Day 2023
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, we have been busy making dips using a variety of fresh ingredients. The children worked together to follow recipes. They also enjoyed taste testing each one afterwards.
Plym Class have been fortunate to collaborate with Blundell’s School in a music concert this term composed by award winning composer Alexander L’Estrange. The class were taught a variety of songs by Blundell’s teachers both at Blundell’s and Wilcombe. They learnt these technically difficult songs brilliantly and showcased their efforts and talents at the Blundell’s On The Sea 2023 concert in February 2023.
Autumn Term 2022/23
Christmas jumper day – Wednesday 14th December 2022
The Autumn term has been incredibly busy for Plym Class!
Here are some of the things we have been up to!
Maths – Autumn Term
In Maths we have been expanding on our knowledge of place value in order to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. We use a wide range of resources and strategies. We enjoy discussing our ideas and collaborating to improve on our knowledge.
This term we have been exploring rocks. The children have identified and categorized the three main types of rock; Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic. We have also studied the properties and features of these including where each one is likely to be found.
In November, we were very fortunate to be visited by Mario with his space dome. The children enjoyed learning about the Earth’s journey. This linked nicely to our Science topic and also our History topic of ‘The Stone Age.’
Design Technology
In Design Technology, we created ammonites to resemble those discovered and sold by the paleontologist, Mary Anning on Lyme Regis beach.
At the beginning of this term, we were inspired by the story ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura to write our own narratives. The children demonstrated great confidence in performing these for their peers.
In addition to narratives, we have used our knowledge of Stone Age Britain to devise letters for the tribes of Skara Brae in Scotland and also created information leaflets about the three eras of the Stone Age: Paeleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.
We have explored colour and texture to create beautiful cave painting designs inspired by the paintings discovered in the Lascaux caves in France. We have explored shape through the mixing of primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Inspired by the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, we created abstract, colourful landscapes then layered on silhouettes of the famous Stone Age landmark ‘Stonehenge.’
Exciting Experiences!
This term we visited the event ‘Farmwise’ at Westpoint Exeter. The children had the opportunity to see where our food comes from and to enjoy a few samples!
In October, we enjoyed Wilcombe’s annual event ‘The Halloween Sleepover!’ The Year 3’s and Year 6’s were invited to a sleepover in the school hall. They partook in activities including; biscuit decorating, creepy colouring, telling spooky tales, watching spooky films and a ghost walk! This was a great opportunity for our younger Key Stage 2 members to stay away from home before embarking on residentials. It also gave our older children in Year 6 some responsibility. All children thoroughly enjoyed it.
Year 3 – Plym Class 2021-2022
We have had a very busy and exciting year already. Our topic for the first part of the academic year was The Stone Age to the Vikings. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and it has inspired us to create some beautiful artwork and amazing writing.
In English, we were inspired to write our own adventure stories after reading the book Stone Age boy by Satoshi Kitamura. The book is about a boy who trips in the forest and finds himself in the Stone Age. We explored the idea of a Stone Age person visiting modern day Britain. The children had some imaginative ideas and created some very exciting stories around this theme.
Our next book was Arthur and the golden rope by Joe Todd Stanton. This book is full of adventure and opportunities for writing. The children created; diary entries, journey recounts, character profiles and persuasive letters.
This topic has also provided us with lots of opportunities for art and design technology.
We explored how the light moved through the dark shapes of Stonehenge. The children recreated this by using oil pastels to design their own horizon. Next, we ripped pieces of black card to form the jagged-rock structure.
We were inspired to create our own cave paintings based on those discovered in the Lascaux Cave in France.
We enjoyed researching Viking weapons and recreating them using our own unique designs.
Our main Science focus has been Rocks. We explored the differences between Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic rock and how these are formed. We really enjoyed identifying rocks in an investigation which tested hardness, absorbency and acidic erosion.
We also explored the fossilisation process. We looked at the life and career of Mary Anning who was a famous fossil hunter. The children had a lot of fun creating their own fossils.
We have been very fortunate to be able to work with the Exeter Chiefs on our tag rugby skills. Tom has taught us some new skills and strategies and we have been building on our teamwork.
Plym (Year 3) 2020-2021
Please enjoy our Key Stage 2 Christingle Video….
Our Year 3 Harvest Celebration Video ! Please enjoy…?
Hello Year 3!
I hope you have all enjoyed the half term break this week and have managed to have lots of fun in the sunshine?
This is just a little message to keep you up to date about the learning in the next few weeks. So far you have been using Google Classrooms to access all of your learning from me online. However, after the half term break all teachers will be returning to school and so each class, both in and out of school, will now be using learning that is provided by the Oak National Academy.
Each day, you will be given a link to your Oak National Academy learning via Google Classrooms in the same way as before. I will continue to post the lessons the night before to give you time to prepare and have a look. If you are at school, then this is also the learning that you will undertake.
For those of you at home, Year 3 learning via Google Classrooms and Oak National Academy will begin on Monday 1st June. You can continue to upload your learning onto Google Classrooms each day. The only difference is that you will need to make sure that you upload your learning by 3pm at the latest as we are trying to encourage the return of a normal school day.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see some of you next week!
This week May 25th – May 29th is half term, that means that there will be no work set for this week.
Enjoy a well deserved break in the sunshine, with your families.
Take care and have fun Year 3!
Friday 17th April
Hello Year 3!
Firstly, a huge WELL DONE to all of you that have worked really hard this week and have submitted your work on our Google Classroom! I can see that you are all making a real effort with your home learning and Im so impressed!
Next week, now that we are all used to Google Classrooms, things will be a little bit different. Rather than being given all of your work in one go, you will receive your work daily. The learning will be uploaded the night before at 7pm and it will be due in at 3pm the following day.
Hopefully this will make your learning more manageable.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday 10th April
Hello Year 3.
Work for the next week has been posted on Google Classroom. Your work includes Reading, 5 x Maths, 5 x Writing activities, a Stone Age mini art project and your spellings. Here are some tips to help you –
1. Please only complete what is manageable and if you do not have the correct resources for the art please do not worry.
2. Do not rush, take your time and complete a little of each subject each day.
3. Everything you need for each subject is included but not all documents need printing, you can complete the tasks in your book to save on paper.
I am looking forward to seeing all of your work and will be checking the Google Classroom page each day.
I hope you all have a really lovely Easter with your families and that you eat lots of chocolate!!
Take care and stay safe everyone!
Monday 6th April
Hello Year 3!
I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine? On Friday 10th April our Google Classroom page will update, giving you access to all of your learning for next week. On the left hand side of the page you will find the link to some Reading activities, 5 x Writing tasks, 5 x Maths and a mini Stone Age cave painting project for the week. Please only complete what is manageable. I hope you enjoy completing the tasks and look forward to seeing what you upload!
Friday 27th March
I have been so impressed by the learning that has been shared on Google Classroom this week, a massive well done to you all!
You will not have any more work set for the next two weeks, as it’s the Easter holidays!
However, if you haven’t yet finished your booklets please continue to work your way through and if you can, download the spelling booklet. On the right hand side of this page there is a list of useful websites that you may want to look at to keep you going.
Further Reading, Maths, English and Topic work will all be set on here and on our Google Classroom page on Friday 10th April, ready for the new term!
Take care and stay safe everyone.
Wednesday 25th March – I have created a new assignment on Google Classroom, which gives you access to some more Maths (fractions) videos and activities! The work from yesterday is amazing, well done!
Google Classroom is working brilliantly and some of you have already uploaded your learning for me to see – well done!
Google Classroom Update – to log in to the Year 3 Google Classroom please find your child’s Google Classroom code at the front of their Home Learning book. When signing in add @ventrus.co (not @ventrus.co.uk) to the username and continue to add the password. Follow the instructions, click on ‘join’ and you will then have access to the Plym Google Classroom!
Home Learning for the week Commencing 23rd March 2020 – Please work through the English ‘Spring’ booklet, the fractions work sheets and choose from the activities on your Stone Age Knowledge Organiser.
To help keep active, The Body Coach will be streaming live PE lessons every morning at 9am.
Here is a link to his YouTube channel;
Please click on the download button below to watch our latest singing practice from the Easter musical The Three Trees. This was going to be our class contribution to the Easter Celebration – we wanted you to still see it, enjoy!
Topic 2 in year 3 – February to July 2020
Our second topic this year focusses on the beginning of archaeology and the Stone Age. In order to give our learning purpose, our class is going to imagine that they are archaeologists digging up the past. Each area of our curriculum will contribute to this, so that by the end of the summer term, we will have made pre-historic cave with artefacts and travelled through Africa.
Below is how we are going to achieve this through certain areas of the curriculum:
Geography: Explore the physical and human geography of Africa and create a travel brochure.
History: Explore the Pre-history of Britain, focusing on the 3 main time periods of the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Mesolithic. We will be creating time lines and researching how the Stone Age marks a period in Pre-history in which humans used primitive stone tools.
Music: Play the Gamelan, an Indonesian set of instruments. We will also be making and playing African instruments, djembe drums, gamelan and percussion.
Art: Make dinosaur sculptures, cave paintings, stone age jewellery and Stonehenge Silhouettes to decorate the cave.
Design and Technology: Compare different foods in Africa and the Stone Age, create our own food dishes and design menus for the cave. Design and evaluate Stone Age jewellery and shoes!
French: Create zig-zag book of phrases, words and images. Retell the story of Handa’s Surprise.
To help the year 3s with their research, they have all received an Stone Age knowledge organiser which has been uploaded below. This also includes ideas for home learning too!T
This term the Year 3 topic is Invaders and Settlers – The Romans. We have been looking at all areas of the Roman life and the invasion of Britain. We have made Roman helmets and shields, along with our own Roman mosaics.
In English, we have read and focused our writing around the book Escape from Pomeii. This book tells the tale of how Mount Vesuvious devastated the city of Pompeii in 79AD. The children have loved exploring this topic and have produced newspaper recounts of what happened that day.
Please click here for the Stone Age Knowledge Organiser worksheet.
In Maths we have been exploring Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.
Each week the children take part in Outdoor Education lessons, this week the focus was team building.