COVID REPORTING (Track & Trace) as of 18.12.2020 (Holiday Period)
Reporting Positive Test results for Covid 19 over the holiday
(Track & Trace)
We would like to give absolute clarity on the steps you need to take if one of the children in your family who attends our school has a confirmed positive test for COVID-19 during the Christmas holidays.
- Please email as soon as you possibly can
- Mark the subject as “Confirmed Covid-19 Case“, in the body of the email please include the following information:
- School Name:
- Child Name:
- Date of confirmed positive test:
- Date child became symptomatic:
Please ensure that you send this email without delay, as it will be crucially important for contact tracing to begin immediately enabling those who have been in close contact with a positive case to take appropriate self-isolation measures. We only need to be emailed if a positive test is received, we
don’t need to be notified if a child is isolating due to having one or more symptoms associated with Covid-19, it is only if a positive test is received that we need to be contacted.