Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


All children are expected to be in school for morning and afternoon registration sessions.  If your child is not attending school for any reason you should telephone the school on the first day of absence with an explanation and then telephone or leave a message each day of the absence.

If your child's absence falls below 95% we will contact you to see why this may have happened.  If your child's absence falls below 90% this is classed as persistent absence and we will ask you to meet with Miss Challacombe to see how we can work together to improve your child's attendance.

We try to discourage any holidays being taken during term time.  If you need to take your child out of school  you will need to complete a Request for Absence during Term Time form (S2 Form), and send it back in to school at least 3 weeks before the absence is due to take place.  Authorised absence can only be agreed if they are deemed as exceptional circumstances.

Absence forms can be downloaded here.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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